Numerical investigation on the high-cycle pressure fluctuation mechanism of VNT rotor

X. Shi , ... B. Zhao , in 11th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging, 2014

4.1 Comparison of shock moving ridge for two kinds of opening

Effigy ii shows the distribution of static pressure with isoclines at mid-bridge for two kinds of open conditions. From these two pictures it can exist seen: for large opening just one shock wave stands on the suction side of nozzle vane while two stupor waves announced in pocket-sized opening, ane locates at throat of nozzle and another one stands on suction surface of nozzle vanes most trailing edge. Discover that shock wave can impinge at the leading edge of downstream rotor bract for whatever opening. Compared with big opening, however, the shock wave stood on the suction side of nozzle vane is much stronger in small open condition. Thus stronger interaction between shock wave and blade occurs when nozzle vanes are adjusted to modest opening.

Figure 2. Distribution of static pressure at mid-span

When the turbine operates in pocket-size opening, the catamenia betwixt nozzle vanes and downstream rotor is highly unsteady. As downstream rotor blade passes, the intensity of daze wave changes, equally indicated in Figure 3. The daze moving ridge generates when the smallest width between nozzle vane and rotor forms, as indicated at time of t1 (t1   ~   t5 correspond to dissimilar instantaneous time). At this time, the strength of stupor wave increases well-nigh to maximum and the rotor blade suction surface near leading border experiences serious interaction from shock wave, possibly leading to strong force per unit area response in this region. As the leading border of rotor blade leaves away, the shock wave begins to weaken. This progress is clearly shown in Figure 3. Another affair should be noticed is different with axial turbine, the inlet of rotor blade is radial and the shock wave can only impinge a small-scale surface area nigh the leading edge of suction surface. It has picayune effect on pressure side of downstream rotor bract. Every bit known, the potent interaction between shock wave and leading edge of rotor is easy to induce high bicycle fatigue (HCF) of downstream rotor because of highly unsteady pressure response must have been induced when shock wave impinges at the blade.

Figure three. Interaction between shock wave and rotor, at small-scale opening

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Data processing in allowed systems: Clonal selection versus idiotypic network models

ROB J. DE BOER , in Jail cell to Cell Signalling, 1989

Proliferation threshold

Effigy 3A displays the Th' = 0 and the IL2' = 0 isoclines for various values of the influx ( S) parameter. The region in which both IL2 and Th increase, i.e. the proliferation region, is shaded (for Due south = 32). If the influx of virgin cells is sufficiently small the isoclines intersect and form an attractor that is located at a low Th and IL2 population density. In this equilibrium Thursday cells neglect to proliferate, i.east. the Th population is tolerant. Moreover, if the isoclines intersect, the model has two response modes: (1) 'proliferation' in the region where both Th and IL2 are large, and (ii) 'tolerance' in the region where they are pocket-size. Considering a primary allowed response starts at a small Th clone size and a low IL2 concentration, stimulation of the system with antigen is not expected to evoke an immune response, i.due east. to evoke Th proliferation: the system remains 'trapped' in the tolerance region. For the present parameters this tolerance region (and attractor) exists whenever Due south < 10 cells per mean solar day. If the influx of virgin precursor cells from the thymus is larger the isoclines practise not intersect, and the shaded (proliferation) region forms a continuum. Antigens that stimulate many (S > x) precursor cells, i.e. 'stiff' antigens, therefore always evoke proliferation. We refer to this minimum Th population required to initiate proliferation equally the 'proliferation threshold'.

Fig. three. The proliferation threshold. (A) The Thursday' = 0 and IL2' = 0 isoclines for diverse values of South (i.e. S = 1, 2, iv, viii, 16, 32). The straight diagonal IL2' = 0 isocline is independent of the S (influx) parameter. The aptitude Thursday′ = 0 isocline moves upwards if S increases. The region in which both Thursday and IL2 increase is shaded. The isoclines intersect (and course a 'tolerance' region and attractor) if S &lt; 10. (B) The Th' = 0 isocline of the simplified model (no IL2 absorption and a quasi steady-state assumption for IL2). The proliferation threshold now shows every bit a catastrophe fold. The thick line is a trajectory corresponding to a slow increase in the S (influx) parameter. Proliferation is initiated if S≈x cells per twenty-four hour period.

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Engineering mathematics

John Barron , ... (Section 17.six), in Mechanical Engineer'due south Reference Book (Twelfth Edition), 1994 A Graphical Method For Start-Society Equations

A graphical solution of the full general start-guild equation dy/dx = f(10,y) tin exist obtained as follows. A serial of curves f(x,y) = cone, c2, …, ci, …(termed isoclines ) are drawn in the 10, y plane, where the c's are suitable constants. On each isocline line-segments are drawn with slope equal to the associated value of ci : these segments give the direction of the solutions as they cantankerous the isocline. The full general form of these solutions tin exist obtained by joining up the segments to form continuous curves.

A simple instance is shown in Figure 17.17, which illustrates the solution of the differential equation dy/dx = - x/y. The isoclines -x/y = c1, ctwo, …, ci, … are straight lines through the origin, and the segments which form part of the solutions are always perpendicular to the isoclines. It is articulate from the figure that the solutions are circles centred on the origin: this is easily verified analytically.

Effigy 17.17. Isoclines for the differential equation dy/dx = − x/y

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Statical Stability at Large Angles of Heel

Adrian Biran , Rubén López-Pulido , in Ship Hydrostatics and Stability (2nd Edition), 2014

v.ane Introduction

Chapter 4 dealt with hull backdrop calculated as functions of draught, at abiding trim and heel. We reminded then that the maritime terminologies of Romance languages have a curtailed term for the gear up of submerged hulls characterized every bit above. Thus, for instance, the term in French is carènes isoclines . The first office of the term, "iso" derives from the Greek "isos" and means "equal." The meaning of the term "isocline" is "equal inclination" (meet Effigy iv.6 in previous chapter). In this chapter we are going to talk over the backdrop of submerged hulls every bit functions of heel, at constant displacement volume. Again, Romance languages have a concise term for the ready of submerged hulls of a given vessel, having the same displacement book. For case, the French term is isocarènes, while the Italian term is isocarene. The assumption of constant displacement book recognizes the fact that while a ship heels and rolls her weight remains constant. By virtue of Archimedes' principle, abiding weight implies constant displacement volume.

The central notion in this chapter is the righting arm. We shall show how to calculate and represent the righting arm in a set of curves known equally cross-curves of stability. Some other topic is the plot of the righting arm as role of the heel angle, for a given displacement book and a given height of the centre of gravity. This plot is called curve of statical stability and it is used to assess the ship stability.

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Tire Characteristics and Vehicle Handling and Stability

Hans B. Pacejka , in Tire and Vehicle Dynamics (Third Edition), 2012

Big Deviations with Respect to the Steady-State Motion

The variables r and v may be considered as the two country variables of the second-club nonlinear arrangement represented by the Eqn (1.42). Through computer numerical integration, the response to a given arbitrary variation of the steer bending can be hands obtained. For motions with abiding steer bending δ (possibly after a stride change), the system is autonomous and the stage-plane representation may exist used to find the solution. For that, we proceed by eliminating the time from Eqn (1.42). The result is a first-lodge nonlinear equation (using k 2 = I/m):

(1.92) 5 r = k 2 F y 1 + F y 2 m V r a F y 1 b F y two

Since Fy 1 and Fy 2 are functions of α i and α 2, it may be easier to take α 1 and α ii equally the state variables. With (1.44), nosotros obtain

(1.93) α two α 1 = v r b 5 r + a

which becomes, with (1.92),

(ane.94) α 2 α 1 = F y 2 ( α 2 ) F z 2 ( δ α 1 + α 2 ) V two g l F y 1 ( α ane ) F z 1 ( δ α 1 + α two ) Five 2 g l

For the sake of simplicity, we causeless I/m = kii = ab.

By using Eqn (1.94), the trajectories (solution curves) can be constructed in the 1, α 2) plane. The isocline method turns out to exist straightforward and simple to utilize. The pattern of the trajectories is strongly influenced by the and so-called atypical points. In these points the motion finds an equilibrium. In the singular points, the motion is stationary and consequently the differentials of the land variables vanish.

From the handling diagram, M/mg and l/R are readily obtained for given combinations of Five and δ. Used in combination with the normalized tire characteristics Fy 1 /Fz 1 and Fy 2 /Fz 2, the values of α one and α ii are found, which class the coordinates of the singular points. The style in which a stable plough is approached and from what collection of initial atmospheric condition such a motion can or cannot be attained may be studied in the stage plane. One of the more than interesting results of such an investigation is the determination of the boundaries of the domain of attraction in case such a domain with finite dimensions exists. The size of the domain may give indications every bit to the then-called stability in the big. In other words, the question may be answered: does the vehicle return to its original steady-state condition after a disturbance and to what degree does this depend on the magnitude and point of awarding of the disturbance impulse?

For the structure of the trajectories, nosotros describe isoclines in the ( α 1, α two) airplane. These isoclines are governed by Eqn (one.94) with slope dα 2 /dα 1 kept constant. The following three isoclines may already provide sufficient information to draw estimated courses of the trajectories. We have, for chiliad 2 = ab,

vertical intercepts (dα ii/dα i → ∞):

(ane.95) α 2 = g l 5 2 F y 1 ( α i ) F z i + α one δ

horizontal intercepts (dα 2/dα 1 → 0):

(1.96) α 1 = g l V 2 F y 2 ( α ii ) F z two + α 2 + δ

intercepts under 45° (dα 2/dα 1 = 1):

(ane.97) F y i ( α i ) F z 1 = F y 2 ( α 2 ) F z two

Figure 1.22 illustrates the way these isoclines are constructed. The organisation of Figure 1.17 with k = a = b, δ = 0.04 rad, and V = 50 km/h has been considered. Annotation that the normalized tire characteristics appear in the left-hand diagram for the construction of the isoclines. The three points of intersection of the isoclines are the singular points. They represent to the points I, II, and III of Effigy 1.17. The stable indicate is a focus (spiral) bespeak with a circuitous pair of solutions of the characteristic equation with a negative real part. The 2 unstable points are of the saddle type corresponding to a real pair of solutions, one of which is positive. The management in which the move follows the trajectories is even so a question to be examined. Also for this purpose, the alternative set of axes with r and v equally coordinates (multiplied with a factor) has been introduced in the diagram after using the relations (1.44).

Effigy 1.22. Isoclines for the structure of trajectories in the phase airplane. Besides shown: the 3 singular points I, Two, and III (cf. Effigy ane.17) and the separatrices constituting the boundary of the domain of attraction. Point I represents the stable cornering motion at steer bending δ.

From the original Eqn (i.42), it can exist found that the isocline (i.97) forms the purlieus between areas with r ˙ > 0 and r ˙ < 0 (indicated in Figure i.22). Now it is easy to ascertain the direction forth the trajectories. Nosotros note that the system exhibits a bounded domain of attraction. The boundaries are called separatrices. Once outside the domain, the motility finds itself in an unstable situation. If the disturbance remains express in magnitude, so that resulting initial atmospheric condition of the state variables stay inside the boundaries, and so ultimately the steady-state condition is reached again.

For systems with normalized characteristics showing everywhere a positive gradient, a handling curve arises that consists of but the main branch through the origin. If the rear axle characteristic (at least in the cease) is higher than the front axle characteristic, the vehicle will prove (at least in the limit) an understeer nature and unstable singular points cannot occur. It will occur at least if in the case of initial oversteer the speed remains under the disquisitional speed. In such cases, the domain of attraction is theoretically unbounded and then that for all initial weather ultimately the stable equilibrium is attained. The domain of Figure one.22 appears to exist open on two sides which ways that initial weather condition, in a certain range of (r/v) values, do non crave to be express in order to reach the stable point. Obviously, disturbance impulses interim in front of the center of gravity may give rise to such combinations of initial conditions.

In Figures ane.23 and ane.24, the influence of an increase in steer angle δ on the stability margin (distance between stable betoken and separatrix) has been shown for the two vehicles considered in Figure 1.xx. The system of Figure 1.23 is clearly much more sensitive. An increase in δ (but also an increment in speed V) reduces the stability margin until information technology is totally vanished equally soon every bit the two atypical points merge (too the corresponding points I and II on the handling curve of Figure 1.17) and the domain breaks open. Equally a result, all trajectories starting above the lower separatrix tend to go out the expanse. This can merely be stopped by either quickly reducing the steer angle or enlarging δ to around 0.two rad or more. The latter situation appears to be stable again (focus) as has been stated earlier. For the understeered vehicle of Figure i.24, stability is practically always ensured.

FIGURE i.23. Influence of steering on the stability margin (organization of Figure 1.20 (superlative)).

Figure i.24. Influence of steering on the stability margin (system of Figure 1.twenty (lesser)).

For a further appreciation of the phase diagram, it is of involvement to determine the new initial country (r o , five o ) later on the action of a lateral impulse to the vehicle (cf. Effigy 1.25). For an impulse Due south interim at a altitude x in front of the center of gravity, the increase in r and five becomes

Effigy ane.25. Large disturbance in a curve. New initial land vector (Δ5, Δr) after the action of a lateral impulse S. Once outside the domain of allure, the motion becomes unstable and may become out of control.

(1.98) Δ r = Due south x l , Δ v = Southward one thousand

which results in the direction

(i.99) a Δ r Δ v = x b a b one thousand 2

The figure shows the modify in state vector for unlike points of application and management of the impulse S (k 2 = I/thousand = ab). Manifestly, an impulse acting at the rear (in outward direction) constitutes the near unsafe disturbance. On the other hand, an impulse interim in front of the centre of gravity most one-half way from the front end axle does not appear to exist able to get the new starting bespeak exterior of the domain of attraction irrespective of the intensity of the impulse.

When the slip angles go larger, the forward speed u may no longer be considered as a constant quantity. Then, the arrangement is described by a 3rd-order set of equations. In the paper (Pacejka 1986), the solutions for the unproblematic motorcar model have been presented also for yaw angles > ninety°.

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Network Analysis

MG Say PhD, MSc, CEng, FRSE, FIEE, FIERE, ACGI, DIC , MA Laughton BASc, PhD, DSc(Eng), FREng, FIEE , in Electrical Engineer's Reference Book (Sixteenth Edition), 2003


A non-linear second-order system described past

d two y / d t 2 + f ( y , d y / d t ) + grand ( y , d y / d t ) y = 0

can be represented at any bespeak in the phase plane having the co-ordinates y and dy/dt, representing, for case, position and velocity, or charge and electric current. By writing dy/dt = z and eliminating time by division, we obtain a commencement-social club equation relating z and y:

Integration gives phase-airplane trajectories that everywhere satisfy this equation, starting from any initial status. If dz/dy cannot be directly integrated, it is possible to describe the trajectories with the aid of isoclines , i.east. lines forth which the gradient of the trajectory is constant. Make dz/dy = m, a constant; then −mz = f(y, z)z + g(y, z)y. Since for z = 0 the slope m is infinite (i.east. at correct angles to the y axis) the trajectories intersect the horizontal y centrality normally, except at singular points.

Consider a linear organization with an undamped natural frequency ωn = ane and a damping coefficient c = 0.five. For zero drive

d 2 y / d t ii + d y / d t + y = 0 or d z / d t = ( z + y )

if z is written for dy/dt. Dividing the second equation by z and equating information technology to a constant m gives

g = d z / d y = ( z + y ) / z or z / y = i / ( 1 + yard )

representing a family of straight lines with the associated values

m 4 2 i 0 1 2 four z / y 1 3 1 ane one 2 ane 3 1 five 0

Draw the z/y axes on the phase plane ( Figure 3.39 ) marked with short lines of the appropriate slope 1000. Then, starting at any arbitrary point, a trajectory is drawn to cantankerous each axis at the indicated slope. With no drive, all trajectories approach, and finally attain, the origin later on oscillations in a counter-clockwise direction; for a steady bulldoze V, the only divergence is to shift the vortex to Five on the j-axis. The approach to O or V represents the decaying oscillation of the system and its final steady state. Considering dt = dy/z, the finite deviation Δt = Δy/z gives the time interval between successive points on a trajectory.

Effigy 3.39. Phase-aeroplane trajectories

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Hydrostatic Curves

Adrian Biran , Rubén López-Pulido , in Send Hydrostatics and Stability (2nd Edition), 2014

4.three Hydrostatic Curves

Table 4.2 shows the hydrostatic data of the ship Lido 9, for draughts between 0.7 and ii.i   k, equally calculated by the ARCHIMEDES programme. The information appear at discrete draught intervals. It is usual to represent those data also as hydrostatic curves that let interpolation at any required draught. Such curves are office of the documentation that must exist on lath, for use by deck officers in calculations required for the operation of the vessel. Many ships are provided today with board computers that store the input data of the vessel and enable the officers to calculate immediately whatever data they demand. Even in those cases the hydrostatic curves and the knowledge to employ them should be present for emergency cases in which the computer fails.

At that place are no universally accepted standards for plotting hydrostatic data and we tin can find a wide diversity of "styles." For our purposes we choose a simple model that can be accommodated in the space of a textbook page, simply still shows the major features common to all representations. The curves are plots of functions of the draught, T , at abiding trim and heel. In general, the trim equals zero (ship on even keel), but it is possible to plot hydrostatic curves for any given, not-nil trim. The heel is almost always zero. The hydrostatic curves represent data calculated for parallel waterplanes. Romance languages use a brusk, elegant term for this situation. For instance, in French ane talks near "carènes isoclines," while Italian uses the term "carene isocline" and Spanish "carenas isoclinas."

Let us refer to Figure 4.2. The draught axis is vertical, positive upwards. The various properties are measured horizontally, each at its own scale, so that all curves can be independent in the same paper format. In our example, the curves of book of displacement, , displacement in fresh water, Δ FW , deportation in salt water, Δ SW , waterplane area, A W , moment to alter trim by 1   g, Thousand CT , and longitudinal metacentre above keel, KM L , are measured forth the lower calibration that is to exist read as 0–100   g3, 0–100   t, 0–100   thousand2, 0–100   m4/chiliad, or 0–100   m, respectively. The vertical eye of buoyancy, KB ¯ , the transverse metacentre above keel, KM ¯ , the longitudinal centre of flotation, LCF , and the longitudinal heart of buoyancy, LCB , are measured along the upper scale graduated from −two to 5   m. To simplify things, nosotros plot the coefficients of form, C B , C M , C P , and C WL in another graph shown in Figure 4.iii.

Figure four.iii. Coefficients of form of ship Lido 9

Permit u.s.a. return to the volume and deportation values represented in hydrostatic curves. The deportation volume, , is usually the volume of the moulded hull. The displacements in fresh and in salt water should be total displacements that include the displacements of vanquish plates and appendages. Appendages found in all kinds of ships include rudders, propellers, propeller shafts and struts, bilge keels, and roll fins. The sonar domes of warships are also appendages if they exercise non appear in the lines drawing and are not directly taken into business relationship in hydrostatic calculations. The volumes of tunnels that accommodate bow thrusters should be subtracted from the volume of the moulded, submerged hull when calculating total displacements.

American literature recommends to summate separately the volumes and moments of vanquish plates and appendages, and to add them to those of the moulded hull. This procedure requires detailed noesis of all appendages and beat out plates, an information not available in early design stages. An approximate, unproblematic method consists in adding a certain percentage to the moulded displacement volume. This amounts to multiplying the moulded volume by a displacement factor that is the sum of surrounding-water density and the relative part of appendages and shell plates. Examples of values institute in European projects are

Δ FW = ( 1.000 + 0.008 ) = 1.008

for a vessel displacing a few hundred tonnes, and

Δ FW = ( 1.000 + 0.005 ) = i.005

for larger vessels. The corresponding displacements in salt h2o of density 1.025 t thou - 3 are

Δ SW = ( 1.025 + 0.008 ) = 1.033 Δ SW = ( 1.025 + 0.005 ) = 1.030

To empathize why the boosted percentage decreases with increasing volume let us remember that volumes increment like the cubes of dimensions, while surfaces, such every bit those of plates and rudders, increase like the foursquare of dimensions.

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Parametric Curves

Adrian Biran , in Geometry for Naval Architects, 2019

4.x.ane Parametric Equations

In this section we derive the parametric equations of the bend of centres of buoyancy of a floating body that inclines freely around axes of inclination with a constant management. Equally the mass of the ship does not modify during heeling, the volume of deportation, ∇, is constant. For the set of positions that comply with this condition the French literature uses the term 'carènes isoclines ', the Italian literature the term 'carene isocline'. We remember having learned the equations from Pierrotet (1942); they are attributed to Scribanti (Angelo, Italian, 1869–1926). Our handling is based on Ilie (1974), simply nosotros present information technology in a simpler form and in our note.

Fig. 4.9 shows a vertical section of a floating body. In upright status the waterline is Westward 0 L 0 and the respective center of buoyancy is B 0 . We assume that the plane of the department contains B 0 and is perpendicular to the axes of inclination. As usual in books in Romanic languages, we call it plane of inclination. Further, nosotros assume that all waterlines are tangent to a cylinder whose section is the curve C. For the sake of generality we do not start the derivation from the upright status, merely from an capricious waterline Due west i 50 1 inclined by an angle ϕ with respect to the horizontal waterplane W 0 L 0 , and tangent in P to the curve C. The corresponding centre of buoyancy is B ϕ . Finally, we adopt a system of coordinates with the origin in B 0 , the axes y and z in the shown airplane, and the x-axis pointing towards us.

Figure 4.9

Figure 4.9. Floating body — Centres of buoyancy, ane

Fig. 4.10 is a 'zoom' of Fig. iv.9. The coordinates of the point P are P y , P z . Let the body heel from the bending ϕ past an minute angle , to a new waterline W 2 Fifty 2 . Two wedges are formed between the waterlines Due west 1 L 1 and Westward 2 L 2 . The right-mitt wedge is a volume that submerges and adds a contribution to buoyancy, the left-hand wedge is a volume that emerges and its contribution to buoyancy is lost. The start moments of the wedges cause changes of the first moments of the floating torso, hence a alter in the position of the eye of buoyancy. To calculate the change of volume and its moments we consider an elemental volume dV with base dA situated at the altitude ξ from the axis of inclination that passes through P, and at the distance x from the coordinate plane yOz. The tiptop of the elemental volume is ξdϕ and the volume

Figure 4.10

Figure 4.10. Floating trunk — Centres of buoyancy, 2

(iv.39) ξ d ϕ d A

The moment with respect to the xOy plane is

(4.xl) ( P z + ξ sin ϕ ) ξ d ϕ d A

The moment with respect to the yOz airplane is

(4.41) x ξ d ϕ d A

The moment with respect to the xOz airplane is

(iv.42) ( P y + ξ cos ϕ ) ξ d ϕ d A

Integrating over the whole waterplane area Westward ϕ L ϕ , from here on noted West L ( ϕ ) , we obtain

(four.43) d v = d ϕ W 50 ( ϕ ) ξ d A d 1000 ten O y = P z d ϕ West L ( ϕ ) ξ d A + sin ϕ d ϕ W L ( ϕ ) ξ 2 d A d M y O z = d ϕ Westward L ( ϕ ) x ξ d A d Thou y O z = P y d ϕ W L ( ϕ ) ξ d A + cos ϕ West L ( ϕ ) x ii d A

The integral in the beginning equation is the commencement moment of the waterplane West L ( ϕ ) with respect to the axis of inclination

(4.44) Westward L ( ϕ ) ξ d A = Chiliad ten ( ϕ )

The 2d integral in the second equation represents the second moment of the waterplane W 50 ( θ ) with respect to the axis of inclination

(4.45) Due west L ( ϕ ) ξ 2 d A = I ( ϕ )

Finally, the integral in the 3rd equation is the production of inertia of the area Westward L ( θ ) with respect to the axis of inclination and an centrality perpendicular to it in the plane yOz

(4.46) Westward L ( ϕ ) x ξ d A = I x ξ ( ϕ )

Integrating from 0 to ϕ nosotros obtain

(4.47) v = 0 ϕ Thousand 10 d ϕ

We assumed that the heeling occurs at constant volume. Then, the net book of the wedges should be goose egg for whatsoever bending ϕ. This means that the moment M x should be zero for any angle ϕ and this happens when the centrality of inclination is a centroidal axis of the waterplane. We integrate now Eqs (4.43) from 0 to ϕ, have into consideration that Grand X = 0 , and divide by the volume of deportation

(four.48) x = 1 0 ϕ I x ξ ( ϕ ) d ϕ y = 1 0 ϕ I ( ϕ ) cos ϕ d ϕ z = 1 0 ϕ I ( ϕ ) sin ϕ d ϕ

If the floating trunk is symmetric about the yOz plane, as ships are, Ixξ is zilch for small angles of inclination and the curve starts in the yOz plane. As the inclination increases, the waterplane is usually no more than symmetric and the centre of buoyancy leaves the yOz plane.

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Dynamics of prey predator with Holling interactions and stochastic influences

C.V. Pavan Kumar , ... M.A.South. Srinivas , in Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2018

9 Bifurcation analysis

The bifurcation analysis of the model equations is greatly facilitated past graphical arroyo in Figs. iv and five. The original equations in (one) are shown by plotting the null isoclines dx dt = 0 and dy dt = 0 on a graph of y vs 10. The zippo isoclines of the model equations are drawn for fixed values of parameters a = 0.8 , α 11 = 0.09 , α = 0.99 , β = 0.6 , γ = 0.92 , α 22 = 0.five and for different values of bifurcation parameter d (death charge per unit of the predator). For the value of "d"   =   0.05 the nil clines intersect as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. When d  =   0.05 the zero nada clines intersect at 3 different coexisting equilibrium points in xy-plane, at the equilibrium point (1.1737,   1.1818) the eigen values of the jacobian matrix are complex with negative existent parts so the equilibrium is spiral sink which is stable. At the equilibrium bespeak (2.4203,   ane.569) the eigen values of jacobian matrix are real and opposite then the equilibrium betoken is unstable. At the equilibrium point (5.6039,   1.7055) both the eigen values of jacobian matrix are negative, so information technology is nodal sink.

Fig. v. When d  =   0.13 the equilibrium points (1.1737,   1.1818) and (2.4203,   1.569) will disappear and the nature of tertiary equilibrium point (v.6039,   1.7055) remains the same. The saddle node bifurcation observed at d  =   0.13.

Notice that each intersection corresponds to a fined betoken. The stock-still points move every bit "d" changes from 0.05 to 0.12 and above. The goose egg clines pull abroad from each other as "d" varies, becoming tangent at d = d c and so the fixed points approach each other and collide when d  = dc after that the naught clines pull apart. The saddle node bifurcation observed for this model at dc   =   0.13.

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Review of RGB photoelasticity

A. Ajovalasit , ... M. Scafidi , in Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015

vi Combined use of RGB method and phase shifting technique

Techniques based on the combined use of RGB photoelasticity and PSM have been developed for the following purposes:


to evaluate the isoclinic parameter and to eliminate the influence of the quarter wave plate errors in RGB photoelasticity [11,83];


to calibrate the retardation maps obtained by the PSM [sixteen,17,84,85];


to eliminate the need of unwrapping and improve results of PSM [70,72] applying the procedure of search of the retardation of the RGB method to the wrapped retardations obtained by the PSM.

6.1 Evaluation of isoclinic parameter and elimination of quarter wave plate errors

In [eleven] the RGB method has been used in combination to the PSM with the aim to evaluate the isoclinic parameter and to eliminate the influence of the quarter wave plate errors in the determination of the retardation. In particular, 4 colour images are caused by a airplane nighttime field polariscope whose plates are rotated by the angles ω=0, 22.5, 45 and 67.5 degrees.

The lite intensities of the four images tin can exist expressed as

(eighteen) I thousand , j = 1 2 I j sin ii 2 ( α ω 1000 ) k = one , 2 , iii , four ; j = R , G , B

I j is the lite intensity associated to the isochromatic fringes

(19) I j = 1 λ 2 j λ 1 j λ 1 j λ two j F j ( λ ) I 0 ( λ ) sin 2 ( π δ )

that can be obtained by Eq. (4) considering null the error of the retardation of quarter-wave plates.

In the evaluation of the isoclinic parameter, the RGB intensities of each prototype are summed in each pixel to reduce the effects of noise and of the interaction between isochromatics and isoclines, and then the arctangent function is practical to a combination of the four intensities obtained. The process can be synthesized by the following human relationship:

(20) α = 1 iv tan 1 j = R , G , B ( I 4 , j I 2 , j ) j = R , G , B ( I iii , j I ane , j )

In Fig. 8, a comparing between the isoclinic maps obtained past the polariscope configurations used in ref. [eleven] in white lite and monochromatic low-cal is shown: it is like shooting fish in a barrel to observe the college influence of the isochromatics and of noise in the map obtained in monochromatic low-cal. The isoclinic parameter is obtained in the field −π/viii≤απ/8, and so that an unwrapping procedure has to be applied.

Fig. 8. Comparison between the maps of the isoclinic parameter obtained by the polariscope configuration used in ref. [11] in white light (a) and in monochromatic lite (b).

The retardation is evaluated by the standard RGB method applied to the dark field isochromatics in white light, obtained by combining the four acquired images by the post-obit human relationship

(21) I j = ( I 4 , j I 2 , j ) 2 + ( I 3 , j I 1 , j ) ii j = R , Grand , B

Operating in this mode the quarter moving ridge plate error is manifestly eliminated. It is important to find that, in club to obtain better results, also the isochromatic fringes of the calibration model take to be determined past Eq. (21), using the four images acquired in the way previously described.

In [83] a method similar to that proposed in [xi] has been applied to the case of birefringent coatings.

half-dozen.2 Calibration of the retardation maps obtained by the PSM

In [xvi,85] the RGB method has been used in combination with the PSM to identify the accented value of the isochromatic parameter at a point, needed to calibrate the maps of relative retardation obtained by the PSM.

In both cases the PSM has been applied to the R, G and B levels of images caused in white calorie-free. Every bit it is obvious, the human relationship between the retardation and the R, G and B levels of the colour images acquired by the diverse configurations of the polariscope is not simply sinusoidal like Eq. (i), merely like to that shown in Eqs. (4) or (19). Withal it has to be noticed that a linear relationship betwixt the retardation and the phase values obtained past applying the arctangent functions to the intensity levels of the R, G and B components can be obtained [xvi,18,70,72], depending on the spectral properties of the filters of the camera and of the light source. In the case of the system used in ref.[sixteen] only the green channel proved to be suitable to evaluate the retardation, while in the case of ref.[18,72] all the RGB channels were suitable, as shown in Fig. 9. It has to be noticed that the retardation obtained past phase shifting techniques applied to RGB images is non related to a specific wavelength, equally it happens when a monochromatic lite source is used. Therefore a reference wavelength equivalent to the combined effect of both the spectral content of the light source and the spectral response of the camera filters has to be properly selected, past a scale of the system [eighteen,72].

Fig. 9. Wrapped and unwrapped retardations obtained by the PSM in white calorie-free in ref. [72] in the case of a bending specimen.

In [sixteen] a set of six images, the first two corresponding to conventional light and dark field circular polariscope, is acquired in white light. The maps of the isoclinic parameter and of the retardation are obtained by applying the arctangent functions to a combination of the intensity levels of the green component (Thou) of each paradigm; the full fringe order at a betoken in the fringe field, needed to carry out the unwrapping procedure, is obtained by the RGB method using the get-go 2 images.

In [85] the integration of RGB photoelasticity with phase stepping has been used to reach automatic analysis of photoelastic fringe patterns containing a maximum fringe guild not greater than four, and without the requirement for a null-order fringe order to exist present in the blueprint. The PSM described is based on the acquisition of 4 images in white light.

6.3 Application of RGB search process to the retardation values obtained by the PSM instead of RGB intensities

In [lxx,72] the procedure of search of the retardation of the RGB method has been practical to the three maps of wrapped retardations obtained past the PSM applied to RGB images acquired by colour digital systems, rather than usual RGB intensities.

The use of the retardation values obtained by the PSM have two advantages with respect to that of the RGB intensities:


the influence of the spatial fluctuations of the intensity of the calorie-free source I 0(λ) and the upshot of the chromatic backdrop of the photoelastic material are eliminated by the PSM equations;


the retardation values obtained past the PSM have a better modulation, so are less decumbent to ambiguities when the information base of operations search procedure is used. This 2d feature can be hands noticed observing Fig. 10, in which it is shown a comparison between the RGB colours obtained by a fluorescent lamp and the wrapped retardations represented as colours, obtained past properly scaling the values of retardation from the −0.five≤δ≤0.5 field to the 0≤R,G,B≤255 field.

Fig. ten. Comparison between RGB colours obtained by a fluorescent lamp and the wrapped retardation represented as colours (For estimation of the references to color in this effigy, the reader is referred to the spider web version of this article.)

In [70] the RGB method has been used in combination with the PSM to avoid the need for unwrapping procedure and calibration for specific materials. The polariscope configuration consists of rotating polariser and commencement-quarter wave plate, with the 2d quarter wave plate and analyser configured as a round polariscope. The set of images for the awarding of the PSM are caused in white light and three maps of wrapped retardations are obtained by applying the arctangent functions to the iii combinations obtained by the R, One thousand and B intensities of the various images. In order to improve precision, several images are caused and a multiple regression procedure is employed. The determination of the retardation is carried out past the RGB photoelasticity algorithm (slightly modified) practical on the three wrapped retardations rather than on the R, Thousand and B intensities as in the original RGB method. The values in the phase maps are properly scaled to become the R, G and B levels of a colour image. A calibration of the system has to be performed to determinate the look-up tabular array, while it is not necessary to re-calibrate the system for dissimilar materials for the reason previously mentioned. The authors suggested to not exceed 6 fringe orders to avoid ambiguities in the application of the RGB algorithm.

In [72] an hybrid method has been developed with the aim to eliminate the demand of the unwrapping process, to increase the maximum detectable fringe gild of the RGB method and to reduce the effect of the isochromatics in the evaluation of the isoclinic parameter, that is carried out in a mode similar to that of ref.[11]. The procedure for the determination of the retardation is similar to that of ref. [43], with the main difference that the RGB photoelasticity algorithm is used to decide only the integer part of the retardation; the fractional function is evaluated by properly averaging the values of the three phase maps obtained by the PSM equation (in this case a linear relation between the stage values and the retardation was observed). The boilerplate performance and the utilise of the stage values permits to minimize the effect of random errors due to noise and that introduced by various furnishings in the awarding of the RGB algorithm.

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